The Fageca City Council, by launching the ‘Fageca Oberta’ space, intends to consolidate its commitment to the Open Government philosophy in the municipality. This philosophy revolves around the principles of Transparency, Accountability, Participation and Public Integrity, with the following objectives:

  • Deepening transparency, open data, and the accountability of Public Administrations.
  • Promote, strengthen and improve the quality of participation in public management.
  • Strengthen ethical values and mechanisms to strengthen the integrity of public institutions.
  • Sensitize society and public employees about the values of Open Government.
  • Meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
  • Promote actions that favor social inclusion, equality and universal accessibility focused on groups that are in a situation of poverty, risk of social exclusion or vulnerability.


The project ‘Fageca Oberta: Good Government, Transparency and Accessibility’ will be a basic tool for the Fageca City Council to advance towards increasing the confidence of its citizens regarding the institution, the dynamization and consolidation of participation, facilitating the instruments for citizen control, favoring accountability and promoting good governance, that is, the ethical culture of public managers and governors.

Talk to the Mayor

Code of Ethics (pending for approval)

Open processes in progress (no processes running)

Public employment (no processes running)

Electronic headquarters