“Jornada promocional del joc a ratlles”

“Jornada promocional del joc a ratlles”

Aquest dissabte dia 3 d'octubre es celebrarà la segona jornada formativa a Fageca. En aquesta ocasió, es tracta d'una jornada esportiva i cultural, on aprendrem tot el que envolta a la pilota valenciana de la mà dels millors experts. Organitza la Direcció General...

PR-CV 182 to the Pla de la Casa

PR-CV 182 to the Pla de la Casa

The PR-CV 182 takes us to the Pla de la Casa on a spectacular route that is marked with white and yellow markings. You can download the track in the start panel. We will go up the Barranc del Moro and see places like Cova Bernat, a shepherd's refuge and an important...

Snow Well of Pla de la Casa

Snow Well of Pla de la Casa

  The well, built in the eighteenth century, 13 meters deep, is an example of dry stone architecture and snow trade. Next to it are remains of the nevater’s house, an auxiliary well and “snowdrifts” or walls to collect snow. The snow trade in the province of...

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